Racionais Mc's - a Rap Group
One of the most important groups of rap in Brazil, is the "Racionais Mc’s", the members of this group are:
Mano Brown, Ice Blue, Edy Rock and KL Jay and they were born in the end of 80’s.

Their first record was in 1988, in the collection “Consciência Black”, two years later they recorded their first album solo “Holocausto Urbano”, this album made them very famous. In 1991 they opened one show for the rap group Public Enemy.
In 1992, they started one work for poor communities of the slums, giving lectures in the schools and talking about drugs and police violence, racism and other topics.
The songs of "Racionais Mc’s" talk about mostly about discrimination and misery, using dialects, and the more constant topic is policial violence.
In the time of one of their shows in 1994, they were arrested by the police because of incitation of violence.

The album “Sobrevivendo no Inferno” made the group go to the top, with the mark of 500.000 sold copies.
Some songs of Racionais Mc’s are: “Vida Loka 1 e 2”, “Nego Drama”, “Diário de um detento”, “A vida é desafio”, “Jesus Choro”, “Artigo 157”, “Capitulo 4 Versículo 3”, etc.
Project from
Maurício Gioia Quintino
Progress 2
Teacher Fernanda
Centro Britânico - Colégio Batista
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