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Friday, April 14, 2006

Music styles

Pop music

Origins: A variety of influences , especially Rock and Roll and Rhythm and Blues. Cultural origins: 1950's United States. Typical instruments: Electric guitar, Bass guitar , drums , keyborad , synthesizes. Subgeners: Blubblegum pop - Traditional Pop music Fusion genres: Pop punk - pop rap - power pop. Regional scenes: Americas , Europe , United States and Musica Popular Brasileira. Pop music is a subgenre of popular music. It may be distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music, but since the term spans many rock , hip hop , rhythm and blues country dance and pop acts, it is reasonable to say that pop music is a loosely defined category.

The Beatles

Marron 5

Rob Thomas - from Matchbox 20

It may also be classified as soft rock or pop/rock. It is a music genre which began in the 1950's and it grew out of the sounds of the Swingbands of the 30s, the Blues of Chicago , and Country music from Tennessee. The electric guitar and amplification has had a big impact on modern music. In the 30s and 40s amplified instruments became necessary to compete with the loud volumes in the big Swingbands of the era.

Rock Music

Origins: Rock and roll, blues, country music and R&B. Cultural Origins: Late 1940s USA. Subgenres: Garage rock , Hard rock , soft rock , pub rock , Jam band and etc. Typical Instruments: Guitar- bass - drums- occasionaly key boards. Rock is a form of popular musci, usually featuring vocals, eletric guitars, bass guitar, and a a strong back beat; other instruments such as the saxophone, trumpet, and trombone are common in some styles, however, horns have been omitted from newer subgenres of rock music since the 90s. The genre rock is broad, and it is boundaries loosly-defined, with distantly related genres such as soul sometimes being included.

The Rolling Stones

Green Day

Project from
Roberta Pereira Ab and Eduardo Lazzari
Higher 1
Teacher Anna

Centro Britânico
Lapa Branch