Stairway to fame

Led Zeppelin was a British band that influenced a new style of the 70’s rock. The Led Zeppelin is: Jimmy Page (guitar), John Bonham (drums), John Paul Jones (bass and piano) and Robert Plant (vocal).
In 1968 the band Yardbirds finished and Page decided to form a new one with his friend John Paul Jones. They met Robert Plant, who presented John Bonham to them. They formed The New Yardbirds. But this name wasn’t good, The How’s drummer said that Page’s band was heavy, like lead, and could fly, so they called Lead Zeppelin, but they changed to Led Zeppelin so nobody would mispronounce it.

In 1969 the band recorded their first album, named Led Zeppelin, which was financed by Jimmy Page that used the money he had earned with the Yardbirds. This album was a combination of blues and rock and roll, and in England the review wasn’t good. But in United States they were making success, their album was the second more sold, the first was the Beatles. In the same year they recorded the second album, and had a good review in England. The song “Mob Dick” had a fantastic performance of John Bonham in one of the most fantastic drums solo in the world.
In 1970 they stopped the concerts to work on their third album, but it was a failure of sale. In 1971 their fourth album was recorded which had such success, that crazy minds said the band had made a satanic agreement and sold their souls to be famous again. This album included the songs "Black dog” and "Stairway to Heaven”, which is until now the biggest classic of rock. “Stairway to Heaven” was a mixture of acoustic music and heavy rock.

In 1973 Led Zeppelin released the new album named "Houses Of the Holly” showing all the tendency of their songs. In 1974 they released they own publishing, named Swan Song Records. In 1975 they released their first double album “Physical Graffiti” by “Swan Song”. This album included the song that they did not recorded of the left three previous albums; it had a good review by fans. Led Zeppelin was considered the best band of rock in the world. In 1976 the album “Presence” proved that Led Zeppelin wasn’t in a good period. The rock was changing and the punk rock appeared.
In 1978 the album “In through the out Door” proved that Led Zeppelin continued being the best band in the world. The drummer John Bonham died alone in his room suffocated with his own vomit after drinking a lot of alcoholic drinks. His death finished with Led Zeppelin, the others couldn’t imagine the band without John Bonham. In 1982 was recorded an album with their old songs named “Coda”. The ex-members of Led Zeppelin have been devoted in parallel projects.
If you want to know more about Led Zeppelin you could visit there you will find more information.
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