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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Marcelo D2 was born in 1967 in São Cristóvaõ, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.
He studied in Andaraí.Before he was 19 years old he had never sung,and he only started to sing because he met Skunkz(one of his best friends ) on the street.
He studied until he was 13 years old when he was expelled from school.
Then he started a a bad life of robberies and he also started to use drugs.
He used to disappear from home for 72 hours.

One of his famous songs is “Qual é.”We like him because he was very poor and never gave up his life.
Now he is very famous and rich.

Project from
Felipe, Álvaro, Matheus and Alessander
Starter 4
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch


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