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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Tom Jobim was born on January 25th,1927 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. When he was a child he used to walk along the squares, ride a bike, swim, fish and fly a kite.

He studied in Mallet Soares in Copacabana and later at Mello e Souza School in Rio de Janeiro. He started studying the piano in 1941 when he was 14 years old. He also learned to play the flute and the guitar. His first song “Incerteza” was recorded in 1953, his first success was in 1954, with the song “Thereza da praia” with his partner Billy Blanco. His most famous songs are “Garota de Ipanema” and “Águas de março”.

Many singers recorded his songs: Nara Leão, Maysa, Nana Caymmi, Elis Regina and others. International singers such as Frank Sinatra recorded his songs “The girl from Ipanema”, “Meditaton”, “If you never come to me”.

He got married with Thereza Hermanny in 1949. They had two children Paulo and Elizabeth. Later he got married again and had more two children Joaõ Francisco and Maria Helena.
He was very famous and successful when he was alive.

He is still very important for the Brazilian popular music because he composed many important and beautiful Bossa Nova songs.

Project from
Giovanna, Laís, Tatiana and Vitor
Progress 3
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Lapa Branch


Marcelo D2 was born in 1967 in São Cristóvaõ, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.
He studied in Andaraí.Before he was 19 years old he had never sung,and he only started to sing because he met Skunkz(one of his best friends ) on the street.
He studied until he was 13 years old when he was expelled from school.
Then he started a a bad life of robberies and he also started to use drugs.
He used to disappear from home for 72 hours.

One of his famous songs is “Qual é.”We like him because he was very poor and never gave up his life.
Now he is very famous and rich.

Project from
Felipe, Álvaro, Matheus and Alessander
Starter 4
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch


Agenor de Miranda Araújo Neto, known as Cazuza was born on April 4th , 1958 in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.He studied in Santo inácio dos Padres Jesuítas School and later he studied photography at the University of Berkley.He started singing in 1981 with the band Barão Vermelho,the rehearsals happened in one of the components’house in Rio Comprido.When he was a child he was quiet,lonely and had good behavior.His famous songs are “Exagerado”,”Faz parte do meu show”,”Codinome”,”Beija flor”and many others.
In 1987 Cazuza discovered that he had AIDS.

Looking for the cure Cazuza went to Boston.He died on July 7th,1990.
We like him because he was not ashamed of showing himself openly.
He was a Brazilian poet.We love his songs “Exagerado”,”Codinome” and “Beija flor”.

Project from
Patricia, Vivian, Daniela, Giuliana and Vânia
Starter 4
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The band was formed in 1991 but only started to play in 1992.

Samuel Rosa, Henrique Portugal,Lilo Zaneti and Haroldo Ferreti are used to listening to the rock of the 60’s since they were children by the influence of their parents.All of them were born,studied and met in Belo Horizonte.

The most important somgs in their carrer are “Garota Nacional,Partida de Futebol,Vou deixar,Resposta and Proibido Fumar”.

They have launched eight CDs so far and they have made a lot of success.The Skank was chosen by us because we didn’t remember Titãs that we kike much more.Our favorite Skank’s song is “Vou deixar” but if we had chosen Titãs, it would be “O Acaso”.

Project from
Ian Felipe, Carolina and Larissa
Starter 4
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch


In the beginning of the 60’s, a little girl called Rite Lee met a famous boy called Sérgio Dias.They were in love and started dating. After some time Arnaldo Dias joined the band and they formed a band called Mutantes, based on a book read by Sérgio Dias. They started playing in some night clubs and pubs and then launched their first long play “O Relógio”. As time passed they became more and more famous. They launched other long plays and started appearing on famous tv programs.

Rita Lee was born in 1947 and Arnaldo Dias in 1948. They were all born in Saõ Paulo. Rita Lee studied at Liceu Pasteur, and Arnaldo and Sérgio at Luis de Camões School.

In the 90’s, Arnaldo was sent to a psychiatric center to be treated, after years of being addicted to drugs. But it was quite difficult and he jumped out of the window.

Before it, in the 80’s Rita Lee and Sérgio Dias argued and finished the band and they started to have a solo carrer.Today Rita Lee is very rich and famous.

Mutantes was an example of a good Brazilian band and we’ll never forget it.Our favorite songs are “ Balada do Louco”,”Ainda vou transar com você” and “Ando meio desligado”.

Project from
Starter 4
Teacher Débora

Centro Britânico
Vila Madalena Branch